"Se não estás prevenido ante os meios de comunicação, te farão amar o opressor e odiar o oprimido" Malcom X

quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

Fórum Social Mundial - Palestina Livre

Chamada para Ação Solidária simultânea, 28 de novembro até 1o de dezembro de 2012

De 28 de novembro a 1o de dezembro, milhares de ativistas, líderes comunitários, jovens, grupos religiosos, sindicatos, músicos, acadêmicos e muito mais irão convergir para Porto Alegre, Brasil para o primeiro Fórum Mundial Social dedicado exclusivamente à Palestina.

Para aqueles que não podem se juntar a nós no Brasil, o Fórum Social Mundial Palestina Livre FSM-PL pede que sejam organizados protestos simultâneos, ações criativas e esforços de mídia em todo o mundo para chamar a atenção para as metas e estratégias que serão discutidas e promovidas durante este Fórum.

O FSM-PL será um encontro mundial de amplas mobilizações populares e da sociedade civil de todo o mundo. 

Os objetivos são:

1. Mostrar a força da solidariedade com o povo palestino e a diversidade de iniciativas e ações destinadas a promover a justiça e a paz na região.

2. Criar ações efetivas para garantir a autodeterminação palestina, a criação de um Estado palestino tendo Jerusalém como sua capital e do cumprimento dos direitos humanos e do direito internacional, com as seguintes ações:

 a) o fim da ocupação israelense e da colonização ilegal de todas as terras árabes e a destruição do Muro; b) Garantir os direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos árabe-palestinos de Israel à fim de gozar igualdade plena, e c) Implementar, proteger e promover os direitos dos refugiados palestinos de regressar às suas casas e propriedades como estipulado na Resolução 194 da ONU.

3. Ser um espaço de discussão, troca de idéias, estratégia e planejamento, a fim de melhorar a estrutura de solidariedade.

Como fazer parte da FSM Palestina Livre Estendido? 

O Fórum Social Mundial Palestina Livre convoca atividades globais simultâneas em solidariedade com o acontecimento histórico no Brasil.

Para ser parte do esforço FSM Palestina Livre, pedimos que:

  • Use o logotipo FSM-FP durante o evento e no material promocional;
  • Informe-nos com antecedência a sua atividade em extended@wsfpalestine.net e prensa@wsfpalestine.net para contribuir na promoção global.
  •  Envie-nos fotos, vídeos de sua atividade para exibi-los em Porto Alegre.

Durante o FSM Palestina Livre, vamos todos usar a hashtag # wsfpalestine Twitter para promover nossas ações e não se esqueça de seguir @ WSFPalestine !

Seja uma parte da FSM Palestina Livre onde quer que esteja:
28 novembro - 1 dezembro 2012!

Unión de Periodistas de Cuba condecora Beto Almeida

Do BlogueDoSouza:

El destacado periodista brasileño, Carlos Alberto Almeida (Beto), en acto solemne en la sede de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC), fue condecorado con la Distinción Félix Elmuza. La medalla que otorga el Consejo de Estado, le fue entregado por Tubal Páez, presidente de esa organización.

La vicepresidenta de la UPEC, Aixa Hevia, destacó la trayectoria del analista brasileño dentro del movimiento de solidaridad con Cuba y su permanente acción en favor del periodismo revolucionario y contra el terrorismo mediático.

Visiblemente emocionado, el homenajeado agradeció el gesto, el cual dijo aceptar como parte de su compromiso irreductible por divulgar la verdad de la patria de José Martí, en un contexto internacional en el que los grandes medios pretenden imponer una visión distorsionada de la realidad.

Beto Almeida es invitado permanente de la Junta Directiva de Telesur, presidente de Televisión Ciudad Libre en Brasil, y de TV comunitaria de Brasilia, corresponsal de Radio de Madres Plaza de Mayo de Argentina, y miembro del Consejo Editorial del “Jornal Brasil de Fato”.

Se encontraban presentes diversas personalidades de la prensa y amigos del galardonado, entre ellos Luis Acosta, vicepresidente primero del Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión (ICRT).

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

Dr Moussa Ibrahim envia comunicado e desmente sua prisão

Desse lado do mundo, muitas pessoas não tem ideia de quem seja Moussa Ibrahim. Ele foi, por anos, o porta-voz do governo líbio de Muammar Qadafi e esteve à frente de tudo até o limiar da guerra que transformou o país em ruínas. 

 Dr Moussa é conhecido por sua educação, inteligência e sensatez. Uma passada pelo Youtube, com suas declarações e entrevistas coletivas, pode dizer muito sobre ele. Infelizmente, creio que não há nada com legendas em português, apenas em inglês (com ele falando em árabe ou inglês). 

 A Líbia hoje, silenciada pela imprensa do mundo inteiro, tem ruas dominadas por milícias e mercenários do CNT (o "Conselho Nacional de Transição" que até hoje não possui um governo de fato, nem consegue proteger sequer a seus dirigentes). Em razão disso, as pessoas são proibidas de se manifestarem livremente, sob pena de prisão, tortura ou morte. Em especial se forem identificadas como apoiadoras da "Líbia Verde" (Green Libya), a Líbia governada pelo ex-líder Muammar Qadafi. Sendo assim, altos funcionários do antigo governo estão exilados em países próximos ou escondidos em seu próprio país. 

Há muito tempo temos notícias do Dr Moussa apenas pela internet, em raros comunicados que surgem para evitar que ele seja localizado. Num dos últimos, Dr Moussa Ibrahim apela aos irmãos muçulmanos para que não colaborem com protestos violentos contra o filme que ridiculariza o profeta Maomé que, de forma inédita na história humana, conseguiu unir seguidores do islamismo em todo o planeta (coisa que aliás, nenhum ideal ou guerra tinha conseguido antes). Em meio à tantas justificativas, ele apelou ao bom senso dizendo que "Allah não aprovaria tortura e mortes em seu nome" e que era preciso "mostrar ao mundo que o Islã também é perdão". Esse é o Dr Moussa Ibrahim. 

Há dois dias temos acompanhado notícias sobre uma possível prisão dele em Tahourna, uma cidade na Libya. Alguns veículos de imprensa reproduziram a notícia dizendo que ele já estava sendo interrogado. No entanto, ele acaba de enviar um video desmentindo o ocorrido e conclamando também à união do povo líbio contra os invasores estrangeiros que destruíram seu país e agora, com apoio dos mercenários da OTAN, bombardeiam diuturnamente a cidade de Bani Walid. Ele afirma que está fora da Libya mas que acompanha o massacre que vem ocorrendo em Bani Walid e que sua suposta prisão tem o objetivo que desviar a atenção do que ocorre por lá.


Os protestos em Bani Walid (maior reduto de apoiadores do ex-líder Muammar Qadafi) duram desde o início da ocupação estrangeira no país, mas se intensificaram nos últimos dias. Em toda a Libya começaram a surgir bandeiras negras com letras douradas, avisando que o povo estava se unindo à tribo dos Warfala, origem dos Qadafi, em protesto à tentativa de varrer do mapa todos os moradores de Bani Walid. A cidade vem sendo bombardeada e atacada sem trégua há duas semanas, com o uso inclusive de bombas de urânio, fósforo e gás Sarin.

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

LIZZIE PHELAN: Bani Walid under siege

Fonte: http://lizzie-phelan.blogspot.com/2012/10/bani-walid-under-siege-being-bombed-and.html?spref=bl

Reuters have just reported that the Libyan city of Bani Walid, which despite reports that it was the last to surrender to the NATO led counterinsurgency against the former Libyan government, in fact never did surrender, is being shelled by pro-"government" forces (I put government in parenthesis because there is in fact no authority that can be called a government in Libya, but a vast array of militias that control different areas). The news agency reports that the shelling has so far caused three fatalities including the death of a little girl.

I have also been getting reports over the last few days from Libya that Bani Walid, which has been under siege for about a week (see RT story below), is being threatened with an attack by rebels from Misrata, who have been one of the most notorious elements of the NATO-led insurgency that destroyed Libya's former government and destabilised the entire country, with ripple effects across the region.

It was the rebels in Misrata that received some of the most sympathy from the western media and human rights organisations during the 9 month NATO bombing campaign. That sympathy provided cover for them to be heavily armed, arms which they subsequently used to racially cleanse the neighbouring town of Tawergha, which was mainly populated by black Libyans, but now no longer exists.

It was only after the event of Tawergha being destroyed, that the western corporate media and human rights organisations began to give some tentative coverage to the plight of its people. But not only was timely or adequate coverage not given, such organisations served to inflame the inherent racism of the Misrata militias by instead giving coverage to the entirely baseless claim that the former Libyan government was hiring mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa.

And now the militias from Misrata have been set loose across the country since the bombing into dissolution of the former Libyan government, the persecution of Tawerghans, black-skinned Libyans and migrant workers from other African countries, that was previously confined to rebel held areas has left all black people across the country at high risk.

Should any more evidence of the brutality of the Misrata militias be needed, it was of course members of those groups who were responsible for the sickening treatment and murder of late leader Muammar Gaddafi after he was injured in what most credible accounts report was a NATO attack on his convoy.

Now, again with the arms that have come into their hands and the lack of any force that is able to stop them, because of NATO's destabilisation of Libya, they are threatening to attack Bani Walid with the same kind of tactics they have become notorious for.

The Reuters report says that the city is under siege because it still harbours pockets of pro-Gaddafi elements. But as usual this is a distortion and ignores firstly the fact that the tribe of Bani Walid, the Werfalla, which is also Libya's largest tribe, has always been united ideologically as they were and remain throughout this ongoing crisis. Their position has unwaveringly been to resist the NATO-rebel insurgency, and had it not been for the unity of the Werfalla, then the militias would never be able to enter Bani Walid without heavy bombardment.

The people of Bani Walid are calling on the UN to protect them and intervene to end the siege, prevent further persecution and for international media to raise awareness about their plight.

Here is an RT report describing in more detail the suffering the people of that city are currently enduring:

'No food, no drugs': Libyan troops siege ex-Gaddafi stronghold

Bani Walid, em frente ao Congresso Nacional, em Trípoli 07 de outubro de 2012 (Reuters / Ismail Zitouny)

Armed Libyan forces continue to surround the city of Bani Walid, Libya. As tension between government troops and opposition supporters continues to mount, residents have been left without food and other supplies – and are calling on the UN for help.

Human rights group Amnesty International has asked authorities to avoid unnecessary force, and to allow medical and other vital supplies into the city.

It comes after Libya’s General National Congress gave the Ministries of Interior and Defense permission to use force to arrest those suspected of killing Omran Shaaban – the man who is credited for capturing the country’s ex-leader, Muammar Gaddafi, last year.

Over the past week, government troops have surrounded the city.

“Right now, the armed forces are attacking our city at the eastern boundary between us and Misrata city,” Dr. Abdul-hamid Alshandoli, a member of Bani Walid’s social council who is inside the sieged city, told RT.

The government also called on the release of others being detained in Bani Walid, giving those in the city ten days to comply. The deadline came and went on Friday.

The chief of staff for Libya’s army issued a statement on Thursday, calling on residents to hand over the individuals to avoid a military assault.

According to Amnesty International, hundreds of residents in the city have been arrested by armed militias. Many continue to be detained without being charged or put on trial, and have been tortured or otherwise ill-treated, the organization said.

But despite calls from the army, a large number of residents have turned out to protest the demands.

“Many armed groups came to main entrance of Bani Walid and they asked the people to get out of the city. We have decided not to go because we want to defend our rights, our homes, and our families,” Alshandoli said.

As the conflict between government forces and opposition followers continues in the former Gaddafi stronghold, the city is reportedly suffering from a lack of necessary supplies.

On October 4th, local doctors said that a group of armed men prevented three vehicles carrying medical supplies, personnel, and oxygen from entering the city. The men had set up a checkpoint about 80 kilometers away from Bani Walid, according to Bikya Masr news.

“The situation is very bad. No fuel, no food, no drugs, no communication. Everything is in a very bad situation,” Alshandoli said.

A petition circulating around the city on Friday night asked the UN Security Council to convene an emergency meeting and “to immediately intervene to protect the civilians in the town.”

Signatories of the petition claimed that pro-government armed militias were trying to kill large numbers of people in Bani Walid, because of the city’s pro-Gaddafi history.

However, it seems the solution is not as easy as simply asking the UN for help. “It’s difficult to know how to actually provide assistance in this case. It’s a question of what type of international body has the authority to come in, in what way they have the mandate or ability to act, and how they themselves can be protected – given the repeated and numerous strikes against Western targets in Libya over the past year,” editor of the Corbett Report, James Corbett, told RT.

Bani Walid was one of the last cities to fall under the control of anti-Gaddafi forces last year. Libya is still plagued with violence between pro-Gaddafi loyalists and supporters of the country’s new government – calling into question whether the fall of Gaddafi was indeed the beginning of a new Libya.

According to the UN, many pro-Gaddafi loyalists have been detained in grim conditions, abused and tortured, since last year’s uprising. Reports of mistreatment serve as an embarrassment for Libya’s new government, as well as for western powers – which fiercely supported the rebellion.

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012

Fechando a semana - uma homenagem a um dos últimos mestres de nosso tempo

The months in Berlin made me a lifelong communist, or at least a man whose life would lose its nature and its significance without the political project to which he committed himself as a schoolboy, even though that project has demonstrably failed, and, as I now know, was bound to fail. The dream of the October Revolution is still there somewhere inside me, as deleted texts are still waiting to be recovered by experts, somewhere on the hard disks of computers. I have abandoned, nay, rejected it, but it has not been obliterated. To this day I notice myself treating the memory and tradition of the USSR with an indulgence and a tenderness which I do not feel towards communist China, because I belong to the generation for whom the October Revolution represented the hope of the world, as China never did. The Soviet Union's hammer and sickle symbolised it.

Interesting Times, Little Brown, 2002

Eric Hobsbawn em visita ao Brasil, Paraty(RJ), 1995

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